Are you a new driver?
Are you looking for advice on how to drive safely?
You’ve come to the right place!
Here, we’re going to show you 10 safe driving tips that every driver should know and follow.
This way, you can ensure maximum safety for all.
So let’s get to it!
10 Safe Driving Tips to Follow

Here are 10 safe driving tips to follow if you want to be the safest driver out there…
#1: Stay Alert
When you drive, the number one priority is to stay alert.
Yes, even if you’re just going to a store nearby…
…even if you think you know the road so well.
It’s never good to become complacent.
This is because you never know when something dangerous is going to happen.
If you’re feeling sleepy or distracted, we advise you to pull over and wait for a while. Wait until you’re sure you can remain alert for the rest of the drive.
#2: Stay Away from Distractions
The number one driver distraction is your cell phone.
This is because it hits all the distraction driving points:
- It takes your hands off the steering wheel
- It takes your eyes off the road ahead
- It takes your mind off the driving task
Using your phone always makes you do one of the three — or all three at once.
So keep your cell phone away.
Of course, keep other distractions away as well — such as eating, putting on makeup, reaching out to the backseat, arguing with someone, and the list goes on.
Remember, anything that hits the distraction driving points should be removed.
What if you really need to call somebody or if you have to answer a call?
Pull over and take it.
Don’t multitask as this significantly increases the chances of getting into an accident.
#3: Keep Your Eyes Peeled for Potential Hazards
Part of being a safe driver is always being on the lookout for hazards — and doing the necessary steps to avoid them.
For example, if you’re in a school zone, you should expect children to suddenly cross. To avoid accidents, always slow down and watch out for children near the sidewalk.
The faster you spot potential hazards, the better.
So know the possible hazards and dangers — and know how to avoid them carefully.
#4: Drive With the Appropriate Speed
No, you don’t have to drive at a very slow pace.
However, driving within the speed limit (or lower) is going to prevent a lot of accidents.
If you drive slowly, you have enough time to react to the vehicles ahead of you. You also will have better control of your vehicle overall.
On the flip side, it might be more risky to drive slowly.
This is especially true on big highways. You might cause a disruption if you’re too slow.
That’s why there are also minimum speed limits posted.
So make sure you drive with the appropriate speed in the appropriate roadway.
#5: Get a Lot of Practice
When it comes to driving, you will always learn by doing.
Even if you pass the theoretical exams or you’ve watched a lot of driving tutorials, they’re not going to be the same as when you get behind the wheel.
So if you’re new to driving, we recommend getting A LOT of practice.
If you’re still not confident, you can always go to an empty parking lot on the weekdays to practice turning, parking, controlling the steering wheel, etc.
#6: Get a Good Feel of the Steering Wheel
Every car’s steering wheel will feel a little different from another.
If you’re driving a new car, it’s best to be familiar with its steering and to make sure that you feel comfortable driving it.
Likewise, get familiar with the buttons and the commands of the car. This way, you won’t be rattled looking for the right button when you need to, say, signal or turn on your wipers.
#7. Keep a Safe Distance from the Car in Front
Distance is possibly the only thing standing between you and an unwanted car collision.
This distance is going to give you space to move your car when something happens in front. It also gives you a few extra seconds to react to what’s happening outside.
If you don’t keep a safe distance, there’s a high chance that your hood or bumper will get hit right away by the front car’s rear.
To avoid that from happening, keep at least a 3-second distance from others on the road.
#8: Don’t Be Too Aggressive
One of the best ways to drive safely is just to be less aggressive on the road.
Even if you’re in a rush, avoid making sharp turns or stepping on the gas.
These might lead to accidents.
But what if you can’t help but be aggressive?
If so, make sure that there are no other cars around you that you might hit.
#9. Know Where to Go
If you’re going to a place you’re unfamiliar with, we suggest you get familiar with the street names and the general direction you need to go.
The reason for this is that it helps reduce the times you look at the screen.
If you need a map to guide you, turn on the voice alerts of the map so you don’t need to look at it while you’re driving.
#10: Don’t Expect Others to Drive Safely
One of the things you should always remember is that you shouldn’t expect other drivers to follow safe driving tips or traffic rules in general.
No, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t follow them too.
Instead, what you should do is always expect that there’s going to be a driver that will be driving aggressively or will not be paying attention.
In turn, this reminds you to be extra careful when you’re on the road.
Final Thoughts
So those were the 10 safe driving tips to follow.
If you follow them, you will become a better and safer driver.
And who doesn’t want that?
If it all seems too overwhelming for you, then we suggest that you:
- Always stay alert
- Avoid distractions
- Drive slowly — or with the appropriate speed
- Keep your cool
Those 3 alone will already go a long way to ensuring safety for all.